
Saturday, January 27, 2007

Child Party Planner - 9 Steps To A Successful Party

Why rush around at the last minute?

By following the 9 steps we've outlined, your kid party planning experience will be lots of fun, you'll take the stress out of planning, make things easier on your pocket book and you'll have a successful party.

Give Yourself Plenty Of Time

If at all possible, start putting together your child party several months in advance. This will give you plenty of time to put everything together without having to run all over the place at the last minute until you're worn out, stressed out and find yourself saying "I'll be glad when this is over with."

Your Party Date And Time

Since it may not be practical to hold your child's birthday party celebration on their actual birth date, you need to consider a few things before deciding on the date of their party.

Make sure your party date won't conflict with any holidays or other events.

Also consider the best time of the day for your party. After lunch will mean you won't have to serve food other than snacks, cake and ice cream.

Your Birthday Party Theme

One of the most popular ways to celebrate a child's birthday is with a theme related to something your child enjoys. A movie, a TV show, a sport, hobby, general interest, or a favorite character like a Disney character.

If your child likes Barbie, choose a Barbie theme, if your child liked the movie Shrek, you can base an entire birthday on the Shrek theme.

This is the perfect time to let your child become involved in planning their party.

We encourage you to spend some quality time with your child discussing which theme they are most interested in. But be sure you agree with their choice before proceeding. Your child will only be thinking about which theme will be the most fun, while you need to also consider what may or may not be practical. And once you and your child have decided on a kid birthday party theme, everything else will fall into place...

Your Kid Birthday Party Guest List

When considering your kid party planning, experts advise you should invite one guest for every year of your child's age. This keeps your party manageable. Other considerations include your kid birthday party budget and the location of your party.

But the question of how many guests you should invite to your birthday party can only be answered by you and your child... I suggest you mainly consider your budget and your party location... If you're comfortable with a house full of 20 kids for your child's 8th birthday, then go for it!

Your Kid Birthday Party Location

You may want to control your child's birthday party by holding the celebration in your home and/or backyard. Or you may want to consider having your party at another location like a local restaurant (where they do most of the clean-up) or a local park, amusement part, zoo or some other fun location. To keep your child party planning manageable, call any locations your considering in advance... You don't want to hear "we're all booked up on that date."

Kid Birthday Party Invitations

Once you and your child have decided on a theme, your party date, time, location and guest list, you can create or purchase invitations involving your theme.

If you'd like to create your own party invitations, this is the perfect opportunity to spend some quality time with your child... Talk with them about putting together a creative invitation that will tell all their invited guests how much fun their birthday party is going to be.

Kid Birthday Party Food And Drinks

The first thing that comes to mind when you say "birthday Party" is a birthday cake.

For other snacks and treats, keep your kid birthday party theme in mind.

Kid Birthday Party Games And Activities

Put together some games and activities to keep your party guests busy and having lots of fun. You'll also want to have some quiet games, puzzles and other activities designed to wind your party down so your guests will go home a little less excited.

Thank You Notes

A day or so after your kid birthday party, sit down with your child and send out thank you notes to each of your guests. This will help to teach your child responsibility and how to thank their friends for being kind enough to bring them a gift or birthday card.

By following the 9 steps I've outlined here, your kid party planning experience will be lots of fun, you'll take the stress out of planning, make things easier on your pocket book and you'll have a successful party your child will love.

For more information take a quick look at


Perseverance and Commitment

Re-dedicating yourself over and over to a goal...

Feeling the fear and doubts and not succumbing to it...

Reaching deep down inside to connect with the part of you that is not going to roll over and play dead.

In High School, I played left back (defense) for my school field hockey team. My job was to defend our goal, back up our forwards and mid-field players. I was committed to our team. I believed in us and I had faith that we would play to the best of our ability and have fun in the process. We did.

Occasionally, the other team got past me and the other defender and I would feel like throwing my hockey stick after them to hit the ball and them away from the goal. I wanted to, but I didn't.

What I did do, was to re-visit my commitment to defend to the best of my ability... to give it my all.

At the end, win or lose, when I gave it my all, I felt proud.

Now, 30 years later, I am involved in different games of life. I want to be a good mother, a good person. I want to practise the spiritual principles and the Avatar tools that I know, to be the kind of person that my Higher Self calls me to be.

There are days when I have my dips and I don't feel like trying anymore. I can feel what it would feel like to quit, to bale on myself and that fighting spirit in me re-ignites.

I know where I have been.

I don't want to go back there. Too much darkness and struggle.

I have a good taste of what is possible... what lies ahead.. and I want it! I want it badly enough to push past my "stuff". I want it enough to do whatever it takes to get myself out of that hole and keep moving forward.


Why Read Inspirational Quotes?

Maybe you've heard this one:

"What does it profit a man to have gained the whole world, and to have lost his soul?" - Jesus Christ

Inspirational quotes and sayings from the present day or centuries past, can inspire and instruct us. This is true regardless of the religious or spiritual tradition they come from. Nor do religious or spiritully-oriented individuals have a monopoly on useful words. Quotes that strike at the truth of the matter can come from scoundrels, saints, and ordinary people.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excelence, then, is not an act, but a habit - Aristotle

"Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the men of old. Seek what they sought." - Basho

Why Read Inspirational Quotes?

Philosophies and arguments often use logic in an attempt to "capture" truth in a net of words to build systems of knowledge, or to satify egos. Logic is important, but when mis-used it leads to confusion. Inspirational sayings cut through the fog and point at the truth, so you can see it for yourself.

Imagine a choice: do what you love and possibly fail, or wait a few more years. Now, outside of mathematics, virtually all reasoning is tainted with rationalization, so you can support whatever you decide with "logical arguments," right? No wonder we're often confused and demotivated! How can we trust our own reasoning, if it just finds a logical construct for whichever fear or other feeling is strongest!

Then you read an inspirational quote:

"You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take." - Wayne Gretzky

Can you see how this hockey metaphor might touch you precisely because it isn't a logical argument? It just points at a truth you can see for yourself: You can't get what you want without "taking that shot." Seeing the truth is far more motivating than arguing it. That's the value of reading inspirational quotes.


Tips For Planning A Perfect Fishing Trip

Planning a perfect fishing trip isnt as easy as loading your tackle box into the car and setting off in the direction of water. You need to really define what exactly you want in your fishing experience and plan accordingly.

Theres lots to consider when planning your trip and even more so if you are planning a trip with buddies or for your family. Not everyone has the same idea when it comes to the perfect fishing trip and a little bit of planning can help make it a trip everyone can enjoy.

Heres some things to consider for your next fishing trip:

Catching That Perfect Fish

Before you can catch the perfect fish you have to decide which species of fish you want to go for. While some people love trout others might be avid bass fisherman. Since bass are found in warm waters and trout in cold waters, someone might be disappointed if you did not consider the type of fish before picking a location.

Deciding on what type of fish you want to catch narrows down your destinations for you a bit which can help in further planning. Dont worry though, theres plenty of places to go no matter which type of fish you are angling for!

Size Or Quantity?

Some anglers like to catch fish after fish after fish. They arent happy unless they are reeling them in and size isnt really that important, although theres always that hope that the next nibble could be a big one. Others are only interested in catching the big fish in the pond and will sit patiently all day waiting for him to give a nibble.

While there are many places that offer an opportunity for both types of fishing, this should be discussed beforehand so that each member of the trip can be sure they are getting the type of fishing they enjoy.

Fishing Style

One other thing to consider is the method you will use to catch the fish. Will you be wading into streams? Trolling? Deep sea fishing? Each one is a different experience and many people have their preference. Make sure your group agrees on a method of fishing and that the destination you are thinking about offers that type of fishing.


As with anything, what you can afford will largely impact what you can get for your fishing vacation

You need to get together with your group and decide what you can spend. Perhaps you will have to make some compromises such as sleeping in a tent instead of a cabin so you can afford a couple days with a good local guide.

The hard part here is getting everyone in the group to agree on how much to spend and where to put the bulk of the money. One way to save money is to do your own cooking or have everyone in the group bring a frozen dish along (enough to feed everyone) and youll have free meals for several nights.

When planning your trip, dont forget about shower and bathroom facilities - especially if this is a family trip. If you have opted for camping, the showers and bathrooms will be community so you will have to share. A cabin on the other hand will provide some privacy.

So, if you really want a great fishing trip, start by planning just exactly what you want out of the trip and how much you are willing to spend. Do it right and you can have the fishing trip of a lifetime.


Elliptical Trainer Benefits

There are so many elliptical trainer benefits to list that some would say it's the perfect way to exercise. Elliptical exercise trainers meet the overall need of any exercise program. They combine a weight bearing exercise that limits the impact on the body while optimizing the cardiovascular benefits creating a total body workout routine.

One of the best elliptical trainer benefits is the weight bearing exercises that help in maintaining and improving bone density. Elliptical cross trainers burn more calories and make you feel like you have been on a brisk walk with all the benefits of a good jogging session.

The elliptical motion of the machine provides low impact because your feet never leave the footpads. It creates a smooth and continuous movement that eliminates the stress on your joints. This provides a totally impact free cardio workout routine.

The elliptical exercise trainers are programmed with different training settings to help monitor your cardio workout routine and allow you to set one, two or all three of the following: resistance, speed and ramp. The workouts can be very intense or relatively easy depending on the training program you select.

Elliptical cross trainers provide a great workout for your lower body as well as toning and building leg muscles. It's ideal for losing weight because it burns more calories that a treadmill or exercise bike. If you are overweight it helps you burn calories while you seem to be leisurely gliding along. Grab the moving handles and work the upper body muscles for a total body workout routine.

Elliptical cross trainers are one of the best pieces of exercise equipment to hit the fitness industry in years. They provide a relatively easy and enjoyable form of exercise that you will look forward to coming back to over and over again.

Several gyms are buying more elliptical exercise trainers because the demand is so great. Once you use one you'll be hooked because thirty minutes is all it takes for a total body workout routine. You exercise at whatever level you are or whatever level you want to achieve.

You can challenge yourself on your high energy days or you can just maintain on other days. The choice is up to you. Getting fit, losing weight and improving your overall health are only a few elliptical trainer benefits.

Copyright 2005 Treadmill All Rights Reserved.


Kids Party Theme Ideas

A party theme for a kids birthday parties create a consistent festive feeling placing a fun focus on the event. Party Themes should flow throughout the birthday. Use kids party theme for invitations, party theme thank yous, decorations, party favors (loot bags), music and party supplies (paper products, centerpieces, party hats).

Superheroes are a popular party theme with the boys. American Hero Party Theme is a great patriotic theme which can be done in greens or red, white and blue. A Batman Party Theme can include Batman comics, movies, and toys. Dressing the birthday boy up in the Batman costume will help make him feel extra special. Incredible Hulk Party Theme and Superman Party Theme are more superheroes. Spiderman Party Theme is both a movie and a comic. Plus, the Justice League Party Theme which incorporates a few of the characters together including Batman, Superman, and Spiderman.

Sports is a fun party theme especially for an end of a season little league party. Include a personalized banner with all the team members names as a keepsake for the coach. T-Ball and little league Baseball Party Theme with basebase caps as the party favors. Pee wee football, Super BOwl to a college Football Party Theme with finger foods and the girls dressed as cheerleaders will help create a festive time for all. A car racing Nascar Racing Party Theme is a more unique party theme.

The girls love a Barbie Party Theme with colors of pink and purple. Placing Barbie dolls around the table and having a Barbie doll cake will make the party extra special. For the cat lovers a Hello Kitty Party Theme with colors of red and white. A hip doll is the Bratz doll. Perfect for dress-up parties. A cartoon and a movie would be a Powerpuff Girls Party Theme. Have the cartoon playing in the background. For party favor give out little Powerpuff girl figurines. Lizzie McGuire a character both in the movies and on the TV. For the princess fans a Fairy Princess and Disney Princess Party Themes are a magical idea. Wands make the perfect party favor.

The little girls love Strawberry Shortcake Party Theme, Princess Party Theme, Dora the Explorer Party Theme, Toddlers and little ones enjoy Blues Clues Party Theme a fun interactive TV show. The Rolie Polie Olie Party Theme is also a TV show along with a Wiggles Party Theme. A timeless classic is the Winnie the Pooh Party Theme. The Sesame Street Party Theme is an educational but fun TV show. The Care Bears Party Theme is fun for both the little girls and boys.

Classic books turned movie like a Cat in the Hat Party Theme and Harry Potter Party Theme. For the 15th year old girl a Mis Quince Party Theme and for the 16th year old girl a Sweet 16 Party Theme. Boys love a Bob the Builder Party Theme, Yu Gi Oh Party Theme and Construction Party Theme. Everyone loves the classic Disney Gang Party Theme. Finding Nemo Party Them a clever animated movie. Both a cartoon and a movie Scooby Doo Party Theme. Sponge Bob Party Theme a cartoon that even the parents can sing the song! Kids Party Themes can be TV characters, movie characters, dolls, action figures or create your own!

No matter which party theme is used, remember to follow the theme and colors from start to finish!


Cartoons As Weapons of War?

What if it were that easy I ask? What if instead of sending nuclear enabled ICBMs to your neighboring countries, you could solve you anxiety and frustration thru designer cartoons? What if we all stepped back and laughed at ourselves and each other and determined all this sound and fury does no one any good, but rather is creating animosity and spite which has lasted thru some 60 generations?

It seems as we saw the riots in the Muslim nations over the Danish University Newspaper cartoon of the Great Allaah with a turbine on his head made to look like a bomb signifying the most radical Islamic clerics who use their religion to recruit suicide bombers; we are learning a lesson indeed. The lesson is this; when someone wants to cause a conflict over something they will always find a way. They will always find a way to play victim or use the conflict label another or a group or even a nation.

We know in watching human groupings and chimpanzee troops or even High School Football team cross town rivals that to build a team, you must first pick an enemy. Well not always, but we know that such a method is perhaps the easiest way. Rather than uniting ourselves against another, why not unite all in a common cause of cartooning.

So that we may look at ourselves and our neighbors and just laugh at the whole thing; after all we are a bunch of silly humans and get all worked up nothing at times. Come on humor me, this was not such a bad article? Consider this in 2006.


The Old Man And His Bluegills

I started fishing a little lake just south of Somerset, Ohio, called Clouse Lake about 35 years ago. Matter of fact, when I first started fishing it, I fished with a fly rod. One day, I was fishing and noticed this older gentleman trying to get a little plastic boat on his car after a hard day's fishing. He was using a fly rod too. We began chatting and discovered we lived about 10 miles from one another. He lived in Pleasantville. As the conversation closed, he said he would call me sometime and we would go fishing together. I thought "Yeah, I bet he calls me". Imagine my surprise when he called two days later and wanted to know if I wanted to go fishing with him the next day.

Earl and I became good friends, we fished Clouse many times and about every other place that we could find, that held water. He was an excellent fly fisherman. There was only one thing wrong with Earl, he liked to catch bluegill. Actually, he loved catching Bluegill. He showed me how to clean bluegills in a matter of seconds. Here is how he did it. First, he got out his board and filet knife. He would scale the fish. Second, He would cut around the head but not clear through. He would leave just a piece of meat right under the head. Then he would twist the head and pull and the whole insides would come out at one time. He could clean bluegill faster than anyone I have ever seen.

One day, I got teasing Earl about fishing for bluegill, I told him the only reason anyone would fish for bluegill is because they couldn't catch a bass. I have to admit, I had seen him catch bass on his flyrod while fishing for bluegill. Anyway, Earl said to me that he could catch bass anytime he wanted. I just laughed. So, Earl put on a little bigger fly and threw it about a dozen times and out comes a bass. Not only was it a bass but it weighed about 6 and 1/2 pounds. He just looked at me and smiled, never said a word, then threw it back. I was dumbfounded, to say the least. He then went and tied his little fly back on and fished for bluegill some more. I sat in shock the rest of the day.

I learned two lessons that day, one was never to run my mouth about people who like to fish for bluegill and the second was, right when you think you have the bull by the horns, some old fellow is going to show you different. By the way, I never teased Earl about his bluegill fishing again. Earl passed away not too long after that, I was one of the last people he asked for. I miss you my friend.

Did you know a large mouth bass and black bass really are not a bass? They are in the sunfish family.

Clouse Lake is on RT668 out of Somerset, Ohio. There are some nice bass there and I have seen some in the 5 pound range taken right below the dam. There is a boat ramp on the south side of the lake...a smaller boat is more suitable.


Taking Great Birthday Party Pictures

Say "Happy Birthday"

Capture the precious moments of your kid birthday party for all time by taking great pictures with your still camera, digital camera and your video camera.

Your child gets ready to blow out the candles on their birthday cake (the cake you spent so much time making), you pick up your camera to capture this very important moment in your child's life and...

You're out of film, you've run out of Smart Media cards for your digital camera or you're out of tape for your video camera, or you're out of batteries! Sound familiar?

While everyone waits, the candles on your wonderful kid birthday cake are now melting away, and your child and all their guests are getting impatient.

Film cameras, digital cameras and video cameras are now fairly common in more and more homes.

But most of the time, our cameras sit forgotten on a shelf in a dusty closet... Then, at the last minute we say "now where did I put the camera?"

So do yourself, your family and your child a big favor...

Several days before your kid birthday party, find your camera or cameras and get them ready to capture all the very special moments of your child's birthday party.

Pick up plenty of batteries (make sure they're the right ones)

Charge up your video camera batteries

Pick up plenty of film

Pick up Smart Media cards for your digital camera

Pick up plenty of blank videotape

Make sure your cameras are working

You absolutely don't want to leave these preparations until the last minute...

If you do, it's very likely you'll run out of time and won't be able to stop for batteries or film or videotape.

How To Take Great Pictures Of Your Child Birthday Party

*A Tip From Grandpa Mike

I spent a lot of years as a professional videographer,(I even won a regional Emmy) so when it comes to taking pictures and shooting video, I know what I'm talking about.

First of all, if you don't have time to take pictures yourself, make sure you ask (someone you can trust) to be your "official" photographer and or videographer...

Don't pose all your pictures... Literally "capture" some of the action of the kid activities you've planned... Take pictures of your guests as they arrive (especially if it's a costume party).

Take pictures of your child and their guests playing birthday party games, doing crafts, playing with balloons and anything else they do...

After a while, your guests will forget about the cameras and you'll be able to capture some excellent candid shots.

Don't pose your subjects in front of any windows. The outside sunlight will cause your subjects faces to be much too dark, even if you use a flash.

And remember, you can give some of your guests disposable cameras so you'll be sure to get some "kid's point of view" shots.

Polaroid cameras are also great because everyone can see polaroid pictures soon after you've taken them and you can even let your guests take their picture home as a party favor.

So remember

Get all your cameras ready well in advance so that when your birthday child gets ready to blow out the candles on that very special cake, you'll be more than ready to capture the moment on film or video.

Who knows, that shot could turn out to be a wonderful family heirloom!

For more great informations and tips to help you put together a fun kid birthday party, visit us at


Referential Offers

It is not inconceivable, when marketing a property in an environment of multiple offers, that a Seller might come across what it is generally referred to as a referential purchase price offer. A multiple offer situation arises when a subject property is simultaneously appealing to multiple Buyers, which then proceed to submit their respective bids. As Buyers are unaware of the price and terms of competing offers, a referential purchase price clause may seem like the optimal solution but,in fact, it is not.

The thrust of the referential purchase price offer is to piggyback on the next highest bona fide offer that is acceptable to the Seller. The offer contains a clause that reads, in general lines, as follows: The purchase price is $1,000 above the price offered in the nearest competing bona fide offer acceptable to the Seller to a maximum of $350,000. The Seller agrees to provide a copy of such nearest competing offer on acceptance of this offer. The referential purchase price offer, therefore, is a clever way by which the Buyer endeavors to establish a purchase price by reference to prices contained in competing offers. As it can be reasonably anticipated, there are many variations in the wording of referential purchase price clauses.

The problem with this kind of offers is that there is a very good chance that neither the Seller nor the Buyer may pursue a legal remedy should either of them default at completion, due to the wording of the referential purchase price clause. The leading case is a 1985 decision of the House of Lords in England, which held that referential offers are invalid. This case has since been adopted at Common Law, at least insofar as it applies to referential bidding. The general principle of law holds than an offer by one bidder which is dependent for its definition on the offers of others is invalid and unacceptable. The rationale is that this type of offers is inconsistent with and potentially destructive of the very tendering process in which it is submitted.

Whether the focus is on the referential purchase price offer or on the bidding tendering process, there are enough similarities for a Seller to be concerned when dealing with referential offers. An approach that could be employed to circumvent problems involved when confronted with referential purchase price offers would be for the Seller to counter with an Addendum, which deletes the referential purchase price clause and inserts a fixed price for an identical amount in its stead. The benefit for the Seller is, of course, that he will not find himself in a position to have to disclose to the Buyer the nearest highest offer, but whether this will be acceptable to the Buyer is an entirely different matter.

What this all means in a multiple offer scenario is that in the eventuality that a referential purchase price offer comes around the Seller will have to assess its legitimacy, the enforceability of the offer and the bona fide of the contract. Unquestionably, therefore, the Seller that accepts such an offer will take an extra risk, the measure of which may very well lie in the offers that the Seller has decided to disregard in favor of the referential purchase price offer. A risk this that ultimately may not be warranted.

Luigi Frascati

Motocross Gear - Worn out of Necessity, Shaped over Time, Finished with Style

When dirt bike racing was in its infancy riders wore whatever was available to protect themselves. Open faced helmets, Jofa pants, leather protection as the protective equipment was not specifically made for dirt bike racing, riders looked more like confused hockey playing bikies than dirt bike racers!

As the sport (best sport in the world mind you :) became more popular, the growth was then able to sustain parallel or complimentary manufacturing industries. Companies like JT USA, Sinisalo etc. could now focus primarily on making only motocross gear.

More money was now being pushed into research and development of motocross gear, sponsorship of riders and marketing programs

More emphasis was being placed on style so colour was added to gear to match dirt bike colourings or just to be outrageous and different. Pink was big mid eighties (I did not say it was always in good taste).

Body armour moved to be worn over the top of race jerseys therefore they became more stylised to appeal to users. In itself becoming a fashion statement, but was researched and tested to also be practical and offer maximum comfort. Todays body armour has floating shoulder cups as well as flexible back and side panels to cater for both sitting and standing positions when riding. Can come in a range of colour options including clear as well as built in kidney belts on some models.

Race pants received there own special treatment made out of heavy duty nylon with doubled stitching, extra room in the butt to cater for the crouched/sitting riding position as well as cordura, kevlar and leather panels in high wear areas such as the seat and knees. Spandex panels are used to allow for movement where necessary. A quality race pant will offer extra room in the knee area to allow for knee braces that more and more riders are wearing.

Jersey material went from cotton to sweat/moisture wicking polyester/cotton blends to offer greater comfort for prolonged periods of riding. Vented panels were placed in hot spots and even little touches like rubber strips in the tail to hold them into the race pants on even the roughest ride.

Boots were being designed to deal with high impact landings and ultimate ankle protection. Replaceable soles and buckles prolonging their use. They are now carefully constructed to avoid the damaging lateral and hyperextension movements around the ankle area.

Dirtbike gloves choose them wisely and make sure they fit correctly. Some gloves are better suited to certain types of riding than others. Motocross gloves offer better feel for the rider with less padding in the palms. Enduro gloves can be the opposite with more padding to give greater comfort for longer rides.

Elbow protection can be found in a sleeve that also covers the forearms. Knee/shin guards are lighter as well as stronger and some hinder lateral movement of the knee (gone are the days of using skateboarders protection). Although with the onset of lightweight, composite materials it is possible to have the ultimate in protection with knee braces.

All this protection would mean nothing if you cannot see. So it is very VERY important to properly protect one of your greatest assets (as well as one of the five senses) in your sight. Different goggle manufacturers have their own registered names for their lenses, but they basically mean the same thing scratch resistant, shatterproof protection for your eyes.

So next time you go for a dirtbike ride, dress in the latest motocross gear and be comforted in the knowledge that you have minimized risk to your body as much as possible. That will allow you to focus on what you are there for enjoying the ride!

The old saying is still as true as ever dress for the fall, not for the ride